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Advocacy and
Liaison Support


Advocacy is the process of having an external individual support your cause. In the case of School Refusal Clinic, this means that we will advocate for your child to receive the understanding, accommodations and/or supports they need in order to achieve their potential. Whether that be by advocating on their behalf to the school they attend, to a funding program or any other situation that requires the extra support of an external party – we are on your team!


Liaison support is similar to advocacy, but more focused on assisting to build and maintain relationships. Most often that is by aiding in developing a positive and future focused relationship between parents and their child's school. We can help to coordinate meetings, facilitate communication, and ideally bring all parties together to be on the same page and focused on your child's development.


To enquire about advocacy and liaison support please submit an enquiry form here.


Alternatively, we also offer Child-focused parental support​.

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