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What are sleep difficulties?

In the context of working with kids, sleep difficulties can include a wide range of elements such as lack of a sleep routine, not being able to sleep alone or in their own bed/bedroom, not being able to get to sleep, interrupted sleep, etc. The evidence around the harmful impact of sleep difficulties is significant and can include headaches, difficulty concentrating, physical symptoms of illness and deterioration of mental health.

Woman in Bed

How we can help

In our experience working with kids over the years, sleep difficulties are an issue that come up over and over again, whether due to separation anxiety, ASD difficulties or the more recent commonality of Covid-induced anxiety.


Our process involves identifying the factors contributing to the sleep difficulty and then targeting each element individually. We see consistently positive success by utilising a combination of classic therapeutic methods and fun, engaging elements that appeal to kids.


To enquire about sleep difficulty support for your child please submit an enquiry form here.


The School Refusal Clinic values the lived experiences and contributions of people from all cultures, genders, sexualities, spiritualities, ages, abilities and backgrounds.


The School Refusal Clinic, SRC,
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